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Buy Luscious Ladies

You can order a personalised Luscious Lady. Just message me to order your own personalised Lady. 

Call or email Rika if you wish to order Rika's products.


0407 573 957


Lovely Luscious Ladies

'Luscious ladies love life.  They embrace it with both arms and squeeze it to their breasts.  They wallow in it and allow nothing of importance to pass them by.  They take time to smell the roses of experience and love their partners, family and friends with abandoned passion.  


Are you a luscious lady? Of course you are! It's just that sometimes you may forget.  This luscious lady is a reminder to you not to get caught up in the roses' thorns, but to rise above them to their heady perfume."


Each of these Lucious Ladies is hand-made from clay, glazed and kilnfired.

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